Schreiner Institute

Welcome to The Schreiner Institute & Veterans Community! Here you’ll find resources such as articles, blogs, jobs, events and other opportunities specific to veterans, students participating in the ROTC Program and those seeking appointment to a military academy. These are intended to help you embrace your career and academic journey, and explore Schreiner’s career resources in one central space. No more accessing multiple websites or offices to find the information you need to make more meaningful and informed career and academic decisions. Explore this Community to learn more about the variety of available jobs and opportunities for veterans and students interested in military service, and view helpful advice for advancing your career or academic studies.

The Schreiner Institute & Veterans Community provides a helpful guide and encourages lifelong learning by bringing together valuable career advice, mentors, job opportunities, labor insights and other resources, related to The Schreiner Institute and Veterans. Become involved in this Community by submitting a guest blog, job, employer profile, event, class, or resource to be featured, or explore new content pulled in daily to learn more about your career options!